Thursday, November 19, 2020

Self Evaluation questions

Did you complete all tasks as expected on time and within budget? If not, why not? 

Yes, and Yes. 

We managed to complete 99% of tasks the day before the event. The day of the event was making sure everything was up to code. We managed to get that 1% done before the event started. 

We were underbudget for the entire event. So, we had money to spare. Most of the budget for install went to Velcro dots, and cleaning products. 

How do you think your sub-committees performed—outline your sub-committee's strengths and weaknesses. 

I am extremely impressed with my sub-committee. We got along well, and I could easily communicate with them.  


Emma did a wonderful job as our sub-committee secretary 

Max, Zara, Akshay and Ben did great jobs helping set up. 

Ben both being in Install and AV helped with communication and set up of Gaming related features. 

We all attended Installation and Deinstallation events. (Setting up, De-Install). 

We could cover each other and help each other out. 

Emma's communication with the Visual Art student helped a lot. 

The rest of the committee had our backs. 

We managed to have solid communication with tutors including Both Chris Macdonald, Chris Popham and Traci Meek about install related matters. 

Zeta being Student Representative and having access to all Student discords helped relay messages that were install related.


When it came to the final week of the event the Install team was spread out to the other committee jobs so I had to recruit other people from other committees as there was only three people including me in our committee which could do anything install related. 

On reflection, how do you think you could have improved your performance as a team member? 

Better Memory, Sometimes I would get information slightly wrong which could slightly affect progress, such as dates. Luckily, this was not too big of an issue. 

I think I did really well considering. We manage to get a lot of praise for the gallery side of things. Which in the end make me incredibly happy as I did put a lot of thought into how the gallery should be set up. 

How will you identify the realistic increase in skills, knowledge and understanding you might expect to see as a result of the project? 

I guess in the future I will remember this event and use it as an example. I believe I will compare my skills and see if there is an increase in skill, knowledge and understanding. 

How would you define your levels of personal/professional development in relevant areas prior to the project? 

I'd say that there wasn't much. This is the first time I have participated in a real set up of an event. I have only done theoretical event management in classes like research and professional practices and that was only number crunching. Dealing with groups of people is much different that dealing with something that doesn't exist. 

What kinds of changes in personal/professional development did you expect to achieve? 

I expected my people skills, communication skills, and overall managing skills to be developed by this event as these are skills that I could definitely improve on. 

What do you think was achieved in terms of your personal/professional development by the end of the project? 

I think now that I have experience, I think I have improved. I am now confident that I could be a leader of a small team and that I can manage an event to a degree where people are happy about it and are actively stating that it is good event.  

What do you think was achieved in terms of your personal/professional development in the longer term? 

Again, that confidence has come to mind. In the future I hope I could build that confidence up so that if I needed to do an event again, I could make it flawless, or close to that. 

Were there any outcomes that you did not expect?  

Yes, I did think that there might be a big matter of conflict between us and the visual art students during install. There wasn't any which was great. I think also everything going very well was unexpected as you do have to prepare for that, there was little errors that happened on the night, but they were fixable. 

Also, no angry drunks or third years which is fantastic. 

What kind of evidence did you collect and why? 

We collected reviews from the audience. The majority of them were genuinely good reviews. The rest were memes but if people are writing and drawing memes then you could assume that there in a good enough mood to do that. 

We also took photo evidence of the gallery for evaluation purposes and to show evidence that we had done stuff correctly. 

Are there any ethical issues associated with your collection of evidence? 


What are some of the techniques associated with collecting evidence? 

What we did was give the audience an opportunity to write something down. We did it in our own technique where usually you would have a guest book. 

What technique did you use to collect your evidence? 

The evaluation team has set up little card lightbulbs on the night which you can write on for review and the hang up on some fishing string with pegs. 

Do you believe that the evidence you collected was sufficient? 

Yes, although it was not used as much as we hoped it would. 

Discuss what might be the advantages and disadvantages of your kind of evidence and how it was collected. 

The advantage was that people found it and did write their reviews. It was a fun way of doing so rather than just writing in a book. We wanted it to be part of the exhibition. 

The disadvantage of that is that people sometimes don't bother with these things. Even if it is in a newer way. People I think don't like writing things because it takes time to do so and sometimes you just want to hang out at an event. 

There are also the people who don't take it seriously, but what can you do. 

On reflection is there any further evidence you could have collected to future proof the project? 

There could be ways of doing it but this way that we have done it isn't in your face. You could do an Interview or find a way to make it cooler but, in the end, you don't want to force evidence like this otherwise it may seem ingenuine. 

How would you go about collecting this evidence, e.g., what technique/s would you employ? 

I think the way we did it was clever. I think it could have been more obvious with larger signs, that corner could have been well decorated. But in the end, I think it a good attempt. 

What kind of conclusions could your draw from the project's outcomes based on your collected evidence? 

Like I have been saying this event was a successful one. Even based on word of mouth which you can count as evidence. people have told me on the night that this was a magnificent event. Everyone was happy. We had happy drunks. There were hardly any issues. It flowed nicely. Even if you count de-install, our committee has apparently done better de-installing than the past 10 years. Which is unbelievable to me. In conclusion everyone in this year group have done amazingly. We made an event and it worked; from start to finish. The cheers on the night were loud and proud. What more could you ask for? 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Install Sub Committee Notes From Discord

These are the Install Subcommittee Notes from Discord, The majority of these were written and posted by Install member Emma Mitchell.

13th August 2020 3.30pm

  • Ben will talk to Ian and Rachael about gaming. How many computers we will need how gaming will run in lock-down. Potential Teasers and Game-play recordings.
  • Emma will talk to the visual arts students to figure out what they need and where they will be located.
  • Max will talk to the Fashion students and Fashion-Committee head about installation and location.
  • Akshay will talk to the Year 1's and their tutors about assessment dates and what they are going to do.
  • Edwin will talk to the Year 3's about what they want, Talk to Chis MacDonald about equipment, And work on the Map.

25 August 2020 3:00 PM

  • Tracy- for every year, write out questionnaire, what they are planning to put in numbers wise, what medium, what space they want. Start a Google doc or Google form. Access to year 1 and year 3 discord. 
  • Look into who will be going around classes 
  • Try get Tracy's research level 1 class. 
  • Second years are sorted
  • Ben can talk to gaming students
  • Sticking with the $15 extra entry fee
  • layout changes for movies, bigger screens if possible, projectors, making sure audio is audible. 
  • Emma, still need to look into visual arts students contacts and what spaces they need. 
  • we need clear signage
  • advertising movie posters and any other project advertisement. Clear patching for stuff upstairs/outside of the immediate raw gallery. 
  • Tyler and Jackie, postgrads who helped out with previous think and create. Phoenix, year 3 has some insight, Edwin has their contact details. 
  • Deinstall, can be a $100 fine for incorrect Deinstall. Deinstall around the end report, maybe a week after the opening. Third years can pick up their own projects, as can visual artists and fashion designers.
  • We will Deinstall with painting and patching up the raw gallery. 
  • staying after the event, create a timetable for turning off TV screens and cleaning up any possible messes. 
  • Game installation and green screen room security. Stuff lying around and making sure things don't get stolen. Gaming depends on how many will be submitted. 
  • merging the raw gallery and student lounge, maybe have catering in the student lounge. Having posters for movies in the stairwell. 
  • Cordoning off areas so people don't wander off or get lost, but also not causing any risks e.g blocking off bathrooms and fire exits.
  • Movie posters and printing costs covered by sit 
  • Gallery wise, hangings and fixtures, tables, 
  • filming
  • set design for fashion show, what are they planning for the show, are they taking care of set design etc. 
  • Inquire about raw gallery paint, if that is supplied, where to find it etc. 
  • confirm equipment and room space. 
  • See what classes will still be running during the opening of think and create. 
  • get number of enrolled students in fashion, visual arts and screen arts. 

Things to do:

  • Create the Google document and Google form for year groups. 
  • Look into budget list. 

At the meeting:

  • Bring up the Google doc, any particular questions people need, create the draft after we get the feedback 
  • Bring up with Katherine which rooms will be available, what's off limits etc. 
  • Ask Katherine if we can extend the event or start it earlier. Will we have an intermission, when and how long will it be.

1st September 2020 3:30 PM

  • Edwin Talked with Chris Mcdonald 
  • Video and audio file types: H.264 or MP4
  • Audio: Dual mono or stereo
  • We can book out class 218 to test television screens for projects 
  • TVs can be reserved now for think and create. 
  • Once install survey is filled, after break we can get the numbers of participants / projects/ extra things to install we can start booking equipment. 
  • See if people want teasers or trailers to put on the social media accounts. Video game trailers played on the big screen. See if people have posters they want in the stairwell. 
  • Drawing room, raw gallery, green screen room available for think and create. 
  • Do fashion students want any pieces displayed/ have any locations in mind? 
  • Convert walkway from raw gallery to green screen room into fashion display? 
  • Printing budget sorted 
  • Pins, hangers, fashion students needs can be put in the fashion budget as we don't know what they want. Tape, possibly paint
  • $130 emergency fee for deinstall charges. 
  • Talk to Chris about printing
  • Bring up in committee meeting
  • Date for submissions
  • Fill out forms
  • Installation cart? 
  • Hooks, tape, hammers, paint 
  • Get Katherine to show us where it's located.

5th September 2020 3.30PM
  • Zara Going away the day after the event coming back 20th 
  • Tell people to pick up their stuff on a certain date, store in storage room off common room. 
  • If we're getting a lot of people to help with deinstall we should bring it up in the meeting to see what works best. 
  • Definite on what rooms we're using? Find timetable for last week, ask tutors. See what music students are doing. 
  • Booking all the TVs still 
  • Tracy brought something up about forms: "my project is sound based, will there be headphones"
  • level 2 = no shared headphones
  • Create second survey with details if students need specialised/extra equipment? Get students to approach us with any needs. Limited power sockets for electronic projects downstairs
  • Video looping system in the greenscreen room. 
  • Emma has draft email to art students requesting information. Because we are finalising dates tomorrow at the subcommittee I will send the email after 
  • 15/27 have videos
  • The rest have physical artworks 
  • Level 2: interactive exhibitions need gloves or sanitising 
  • 1 fashion item for display
  • Ask the fashion tutor to come to the meeting / find out if fashion set design is under our budget/what is happening with fashion installation. 
  • If they want installed pieces work out mannequins. 
  • Year 3 film/bts. Find out the runtime.

To do
  • due dates
  • hiring rooms
  • hiring equipment
  • find out any specialised equipment or requirements
  • emails to art students

22nd September 2020 3.30PM

  • Edwin talked to Chris Popham about rooms 
  • Upstairs is a no go 
  • Still classes, no one goes upstairs, food is downstairs so people stay around there 
  • Focus efforts downstairs
  • Available space: 
  • 2 front displays 
  • Kea room (for games) 
  • Lobby and raw gallery 
  • Use dividers to hang things up, temporary walls for separation between visual artists, more wallspace 
  • Trolley located in raw gallery 
  • Hallway is available, no messing with the school of music items/furniture
  • Green screen room, requires cleaning up 
  • Drawing room too messy to deal with 
  • Photography studio possibly available? Lots of cords and lighting laying around, these would need to be secured 
  • See if we can put things on walls in the kea room 
  • Can move stuff around, we just need to store items safely 
  • Inquire with catering where we will be putting the food 
  • Plinths and temporary wall space available
  • All equipment drafted on cheqroom, not yet booked 
  • Dance studio possibly used for storage? 
  • Photography studio is a maybe? 
  • Previous years, students cordoned off area and ruined walls, sealing off a section with dividers possibly viable? 
  • Light table available for use as table
  • Lights can go up / go into storage 
  • Backdrop strings might be a problem? Hide them behind dividers? 
  • Chord for music available
  • Black backdrop available 
  • 2 more backdrops available if necessary 
  • Find out how many dividers there are 
  • 3 Black dividers in photography room, the feet don't match that well so might be an issue
  • Stuff in corridor
  • Wood frame dividers 
  • Blue dividers x5
  • Fashion frame/dividers x4
  • Outside facing display 
  • 1x 50 inch TV (permanently mounted) 
  • Front corridor need to be empty except for cart for fire related reasons
  • Split gallery with dividers from middle pillar. 
  • Confirm with fashion students if/where they want to display clothing. What do they want.

6th October 2020 3.30pm

Centre stage stuff 
  • Ash will go in the day before and set up lights for fashion, will do lights for the rest of the night, looking for an assistant possibly 
  • Ash needs someone in install to help with the projector screen, possibly Zara 

  • fairy lights for lobby 
  • Posters hanging up in both gallery and centrestage lobby 
  • Fashion has their own stuff sorted

  • After the fashion, pull down screen and add plinth to stage 
  • Ushers, we will probably need some to help direct people to centre stage,
  • One of the visual artists will be using a TV, we will email them once it's in the gallery and available
  • Find out how we will loop/play media on the TVs
  • Need a computer for centrestage, try to get the expo computer rig. Only 3 SIT laptops can be hired. 
  • Ben has had a look around the kea room 
  • Hasn't checked TV
  • We need to double check if the greenscreen room is available. 
  • At least 10 televisions available. 
  • One artist has given us images, we might collab with the marketing design team to get the exhibition posters. 
  • We will chase up the other three artists for images, and collection titles.

13th October 2020 3.30PM
  • After tomorrow we can count up how many people need TVs etc. 
  • 5pm Wednesday we will look through the papers. 
  • Year 3 projects are being inquired about for posters, which will likely be put up in centrestage 
  • Printed in A3 
  • Still need to find out about the greenscreen room 
  • Still need to think about games and computer availability
  • Ben will talk to someone about surfaces for hire 
  • We have one set of visual artists photos, with 2 more on the way, we have decided to use the important dates file as a template
  • Emma will contact the artist who hasn't responded yet to see if she can send some images

20th October 2020 3.30PM
  • Apology for dates in poster 
  • Start and end dates are incorrect, we will swap posters out with correct dates 
  • We have visual artists posters 
  • TVs are secured 
  • Room 18 
  • 2 TVs in that room 
  • Edwin will change the date the TVs are being moved 
  • We have 4 USBs 
  • We need to buy some USBs
  • Emma can bring 2 USBs if needed
  • 9 TVs need USBs 
  • One will go to a visual artist 
  • One will go to a student with an audio based project 
  • Greenscreen and photography rooms, split TVs between the two, 4 in each room 
  • Videos shown off on the 10th 
  • 9th will be compiling footage and putting them on USBs
  • After 5 pm on Monday the 9th we can work on compiling 
  • Email the visual art and audio student about TVs then
  • Split video files into year groups, 
  • Book the photography and greenscreen room from the 9th after 5pm
  • Any late entries we will have to cut after 10
  • Give deadline warning notification to students 
  • Pack up after the 12th, before the 20th 
  • Monday 16th November pack up 
  • 10am start
2nd November 2020 10.30AM
Hello @Installation/Deinstallation here is a time table for TVs to be turned on an off.
TVs to be turned on at 9 and turned off at 5:
  • Monday-Zara
  • Tuesday-Emma
  • Wednesday-Max
  • Thursday-Edwin
  • Friday-Ben
Also every TV should have a remote with them
And currently only the two visual art TVs are the only TVs that need to be turned on an off (Natasha's and Sharla's).

9th November 2020 6.19PM
  • Redo time table for TVs to be turned on an off.
  • TVs to be turned on at 9 and turned off at 5:
  • Photography room and green screen will be opened at 10.30, (Edwin) will open and close the rooms

Think and Create Evaluation

This is my Addition to the Evaluation task

Installation was REMARKABLY successful. From setup to the night, me and the rest of the Installation team managed to make a well received and organised event. 

  • Placing the entire event on the ground floor worked out in our favour. No one got lost and everything was accessible. 
  • Having different medias in different rooms also worked out. This made mapping out the ground floor easier. Also, to note some people wanted to look at specific things so separating medias help with the audience finding what they wanted to look at. 
  • Adding submission posters to the walls really helped fill in the Exhibition. Without them I feel like there would have been a lot less things to look at. Plus, Filmys and Animators are rewarded with their work in A2 afterwards and it makes them happy as their works are advertised. 
  • Talking with students to get their Visual Art displayed correctly was and will always be a good idea, especially when it is early in the set-up stage. 
  • Having a team that is on the same page helps with morale and setting up tracking down. 
  • The team this year are all fantastic. 
  • There was no choked up areas within the building as everything was spaced out correctly. 
  • We were on to it when things were not working. 
  • Deinstallation had a great turnout. Everyone from the committee showed up to clean up. According to one tutor we had the best deinstall turnout in 10 years. 
  • After cleaning up, the results looked excellent. 


  • We did not have a debrief before the event started so we did not know where everyone was located. 
  • Install members on the last week were spread out during the final week doing other subcommittee jobs. Sorting out people to come into the gallery in that week was slightly difficult. 
  • On install before the event we only had a handful of people setting up. Not too much of a con as we were successful but always make sure to consistently communicate with your committee about dates. 
  • We should have printed more ‘Touch me’ signs on exhibits that could be interacted with. 
  • There will always be students that will be late to install and collect. I think that if we could make them remember better is to consistently communicate exact dates and times. 
  • Like what was stated in Sarahs organisation, the TV’s would have to be kept an eye on as technical problems were occuring.