Sunday, February 16, 2020

Character Design - The Space Suit

These three images are early prototypes for the NASA Space Suits. The first image is that of the Grumman Moon Suit, an american design made in 1965. This Suit would be the main inspiration for my space suit, as it is the most unique design. I even used the suits colour pallete for my suit.
 This "Hardsuit" from 1964 is the inspiration for the upper legs and the upper arms.
This Spacesuit prototype in 1964, Is inspiration for most of the under-suit and the rest of the arms and legs.
Below here are the first concepts for the suits, I did like this prototype, however the proportions are a little out of place. so I had to redesign the suit to fit a more realistic proportion.
This design also has the unique ability to wear a helmet with or without the chess piece.
This final design is definitely more proportionate. This suits more plated than the previous ones. 
I'm thinking is I were to make duplicates of this model. I would make the colours state what department the wearers is in like in Star Trek. The protagonist for my animation is a technician. So currently Red would be the Technician colour.

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