Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Am I an Auteurist?


I am not sure, I believe in both sides of the yes and no. Because when you talk about directors that have the same type of style in their films, I can think of a few. Like if we are talking about Tim Burton for example, His style is quite prominent in all his own films, all his films have this odd/dark visual to them, he even uses particular actors for his films. But then Patrick pointed out a good counter argument which I believe in, and that is the editors and the people who work behind the scenes are what make a film. The Original Star Wars was saved in the edit. If George Lucas had his way with it, the film would be worse off. At this moment in time I can say that I am an Auteurist because at this moment in time I am the only one working on my project. I don't have a crew to rely on.

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