Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Sing Street

Image result for sing street poster
Sing Street is a wholesome movie. After weeks of going to Max's Movie Nights and watching some funny to disturbing horror flicks, this one was a surprise. Good Choice Max! Any way this film by John Carney, is about a young Irish lad, who moves to a new school. He meets a girl and tries to hook up. As the tagline states "Girl unimpressed" so what does this young lad do. He promises here to star in a music video, which is a new thing at the time (the 80's) and he starts a band of course. He meets some other aspiring students who like music and goes for the futuristic genre. Of course this lad has to fight the oppression of his Christian School and his not so friendly peers. But he prevails. The music in this isn't so bad either. the music does sound like something from the 80's. There is only on big name in this film but he is a supporting roles and that is Aiden Gillan from Game of Thrones. This was a happy film to watch, there was definitely some good chuckles in it.


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