Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Retro Futurism Project, Chess Piece

Now for something A little different. For my Digital Assessment. I have to make a chess piece that will be 3D printed. I had to use the application known as Maya. Which I have explored in my previous blogs:
The chess piece I have created is inspired by the look of Thunderbird 3 from Thunderbird's, which perfectly represents my theme. The model also took inspirations from a drawing I created two years ago. (The ship in the background).

Below are some screenshots of the model made in Maya.

Representation of what the model could look like in real life, Rendered in Maya

Sky Rendered for lighting

Different angles of the Chess piece in Maya

Maya Layout
The chess piece is now printed. It took 4 hours. It did however suffer a small breakage as it got stuck to the printing board. This is the final printed product.

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