Monday, August 26, 2019


Image result for f3ar poster
This is advertised as a horror game. What I got was a generic shootem up/wave defense game.
So me and Zeta-Rose played the cooperative campaign, and it was interesting. So the main character (Player one) is a your generic silent type grizzly beard no talky guy, whose been held captive for some reason. He is rescued by (Player 2) his dead ghost possession brother. (Spoiler alert: was killed by silent type grizzly beard no talky guy.) All we are given is an objective to leave the facility. Now ill give the game this. Both characters play very different from each other. Player one is just a guy that can pick-up weapons and shoot people. But he can slow time down and slide kick people. Player 2 Has the ability to pick up people, kill with red possession powers and possess people. Anyway throughout the game, You are jump-scared a lot, (Althought rather poorly as only 1 jump-scare got me.) And in cooperative its easy to miss jump scares, Also more than just military personnel are trying to kill you (spooky wendigo things). Another good thing they put in this game is the progression of weapons and stuff you can do each level is good. As it does make you want to play the game more. 
The Mech boss level is a pain in the spine, as you die the battle restarts, instead of the usual revive option.
We haven't finished the game yet, but we gonna do it. Hopefully the plot gets more interesting as we haven't really paid that much attention.

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