Hello everybody, its me and today we will be looking at my proposal for research. How can I create a short opening sequence that reflects the styles of Rod Serlings’s The Twilight Zone.
So the Key Practitioner for this project is the works of Rod Serling who is an american television producer, screenwriter, playwright and narrator. His Main works or the one i'm specifically looking at is the 1959 Twilight Zone in which he was the creator of.
My Second Practitioner is the American Actor, Comedian and Filmmaker Jordan Peele, who recently along with a few other developers. Made a reboot of the Twilight Zone this year. He has updated the Twilight Zone to the modern format with more modern problems.
With these two practitioners I will make my project a reflection of both of there Twilight Zones. For potential copyright reasons, I may use a different name for my “show” which currently is “The Eventide Sector”
My Project is going to be created as a short film. It's going to include two things. One is filming an introductory monologue which I will edit in Adobe Premiere and After Effects, and the other thing which is optional is make an opening title sequence with animation with Photoshop using 2.5 animation or just classic hand drawn animation with Toon Boon.
My Audience range is for Late Teens to Adults because I feel that younger people won’t quite get it. Its for People who have watched the Twilight Zone or people who are interested. And for people who are curious when they walk by this project.
So you may be thinking what I'm going to do with this project and ill tell you. I want this exhibit to look retro, to look like It came out between the 1950’s and 1960’s. So ill be making the footage black and white and ill be adding some film grain and some noise. I may even try and reduce the frame rate a little so its less than 60 frames per second.
Like I stated earlier I’ll need Adobe Premiere and After Effects, and possibly Photoshop or Toon Boon. I need to look at some tutorials and re learn how to use Premiere and After Effects which I've only used only a few times before. Photoshop and Toon Boon is something that I've used before so if I need to use them i'll be fine.
To fully make this project I want it to be i will be trying to impersonate Rod Serling, With the way he moves to the way he dresses to the way he talks, his expression and I will even talk like him.
This will also include using more interesting words from the English language. So I will be referring to a Thesaurus or more specifically when Writing a script. For Example
“The Fox jumped over the lazy dog” I would say something on the lines of, “The Industrious Red Fox leaps overhead, of one inattentive Labrador.”
Here is something I recorded for an example, to really understand what i'm going for. For this I read the opening monologue from the twilight zones first series. So have a listen.
Now Here is an example of the title sequence of the twilight zone so if I have time for it I will make something similar to this.
And here is what my project is really going to reflect on. Here is an example of a monologue for The Twilight Zone.
I Hope that clarifies what i'm going to be doing.
Now for props I want to get my hands on an old TV. And I have been talking with people and I believe I've got one. This TV that is on the screen right now may be the one i'm getting. Its an Old 80’s TV.
I'm always looking for one just in case my plans fall flat, it's always good to have a backup plan.
I really want this project to be shown on one of these because I want to truly capture the Retro feel of The Twilight Zone. If I don’t get one my last resort will be either and early 2000’s TV because everybody seems to have those or just the usual modern TV. The TV will also needs a table, I will need to find an old looking one.
So this is the current plan, Week 5 to 6 Write Scripts, Week 5 to 6 Plan Location, Week 7 Film, Week 8 to 13 Edit Footage, Week 10 to 13 Animate (optional), Week 14: Set up Exhibit (aka Prepare the old TV) and then on the last week I finish.
This project is brought to you by my literature review, which was reviewing the Story arc and Narratology of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone. From that literature here are the Two Theoretical sources that help me in this project. We have The New Entrepreneurs - an Industrial History of Televisions Anthology Writers which discusses how Rod Serling narrates The Twilight Zone. And we have In The Zone: The Twilight world of Rod Serling. Which Discusses the Thought process that made The Twilight Zone what it is.
Here is all the APA References for this slide and thank you all for listening to my presentation. Does anyone have any questions?
Interesting question to research. Nice parody name. Animation Sequence will be cool. Cool Aesthetic, will work Nicely with project. Well thought out, it will be a fanatical project.
It was well delivered and was explained beautifully. Keep it up.
I like the way and theme that you've been working on.
I like the classy visuals, though I've never known about The Twilight Zone. You've got a commanding voice. Burn it down! Looking forward for the vintage effects.
Very well presented and excellent Power Point presentation.
Good use of giving an example to help explain exactly what I want to do.
Good thought into props & presentation.
Ben has no comment cause he loves it.
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