Provide an overview of New German Cinema and address the following -
Name of the Manifesto - Oberhausen Manifesto
Aim of the Manifesto - "A deceleration of 26 German Filmmakers, this was a certificate of intent that heralded a new aesthetics of German cinema in the face of the collapsing old one." (according to
Time period - 1962
Major Film makers within the movement - Werner Herzog, Rainer Michael Fassbinder and Wum Wenders were the main three, here are the rest who signed it:
Bodo Blüthner, Walter Krüttner, Fritz Schwennicke, Boris v. Borresholm, Dieter Lemmel, Haro Senft, Christian Doermer, Hans Loeper, Franz-Josef Spieker, Bernhard Dörries, Ronald Martini, Hans Rolf Strobel, Heinz Furchner, Hans-Jürgen, Pohland Heinz, Tichawsky, Rob Houwer, Raimond Ruehl, Wolfgang Urchs, Ferdinand Khittl, Edgar Reitz, Herbert Vesely, Alexander Kluge, Peter Schamoni, Wolf Wirth, Pitt Koch, Detten Schleiermacher (
Themes expressed through the films - Again from ( The films express "freedom from the conventions of the established industry. Freedom from the outside influence of commercial partners. Freedom from control by special interest groups." It looks like because the old german films were dying of said conventions, commetial partners and Special interest groups, The Group that are the Manefesto wanted to be free of those bounds.
What previous New Wave movement was an influence - French New Wave which started in 1958, 4 years before The Oberhausen Manifesto was created.
Wings of Desire by Wim Wemders. The Trailer has interesting sound effects. and has interesting shots. There is a lot of shaky cam.
The new German cinema, Herzog, Fassbinder, Schlöndorff, Wenders, Syberberg I had a brief view of this documentary. There was a part which described how filming in Germany, If you don't have an Awareness for space and objects you won't be able to make good films. There was another part that explained how iconic landmarks are essentially a waste to film at cause you've seen them all before. Using a new location, or an unknown location is a better idea to use in you films. These new films could be seen as a statement because they would show politics in a new way, in a way that the industry wouldn't want you to see them. Melodrama is pushed to the limit in Fassbinder films.
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