Purple: Unknown Names
Red: Unknown Movies
Light Red: Unknown Words
Harun Farocki:
German Filmmaker particular known for his political essay films, which he examined these subjects while also openly confronting the inherently persuasive, manipulative properties of the cinematic medium.
Inextinguishable Fire (1969)
Videograms of a Revolution (1992)
The Interviews (1996-97)
Serious Games (2009-10)
Etienne-Jules Marey:
French Physiologist and chronophotographer whose analyses of motions are characterized by multiple exposure on a single photographic plates. He also invented Sphygmograph, an instrument to record graphically the features of the pulse and variations in blood pressure.
Eadweard Muybridge:
English Photographer who was known for his photographic studies of motion and in motion-picture projection. Most famously known for his photographic study on horse trotting to prove that all four legs of a horse are off the ground.
Anselm Franke:
Is a German curator and writer. He is also head of department of visual Arts and films at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, where he co-curated the multi-year program "The Anthropocene Project" (2013-2014) and Kanon-Fragon (2016-2019). The man has also made a lot of exibitions such as "Neolithic Childhood. Art in a false Present ca. 1930" and "Parapoloitics. cultural Freedom and the Cold War" which explored no less than 180 artworks and 600 archival sources.
Erhard Schüttpelz:
German Professor of Media Studies at the University of Siegen in Germany
Thom Andersen:
American Filmmaker, known for his documentary and shorts.
Los Angeles Plays Itself (2003)
Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer (1975)
The Thoughts That Once We Had (2015)
Get Out of The Car (2010)
Link referencing:
Hi there Edwin. Great to see your analysis of unfamiliar terms and the referencing. Make sure you know where you've found your information, just in case you need for the assignment. It may help to add a citation during your comments. Get into the habit of using APA referencing in your blog posts as well.