I explained all of the parts I needed for the TV's.
So what I had in my possession at that time was:
3 Old TVs.
1 Coaxial Cord.
So I was missing all of the converters.
I had to find said converters. So I went looking online, At first I was in luck. On Amazon I found both converters and double ended RCA cable for sale in a bundle. I was ready to go. But I realized something. Amazon is not cheap, and was putting there prices up in American Dollar instead of New Zealand Dollar. (Which I should of realised). So if I was to stick with that, I would be paying around $90 Dollars.
I decided against that decision. But sadly I could only find the RF modulator on Amazons. So I bought it for about $31 Dollars.
So that left the other two parts to the puzzle. I managed to find a HDMI converter at Dick Smiths online for about $30 Dollars.
Then by chance one of my contacts that I had been asking for parts told me that they had a RCA double ended Cord, and a VHS/DVD Player.
The decision was final. If I were to wait an extra day to order online, I wouldn't have time to get my parts before the Think and Create due date. So I spent the $61 Dollars for both parts and asked my parents (the contact) to come up and bring the parts. All was settled.
https://www.amazon.com/RCA-Compact-RF-Modulator-CRF907R/dp/B0014KKV7W |
https://www.dicksmith.co.nz/dn/buy/kogan-composite-av-hdmi-converter/ |
I was expecting both parts to arrive between the 9th and the 14th. For a while, something odd happened to the HDMI adapter delivery.
Yeah bit of a misdirection... oh well. With this mishap both adapters arrived at the same time.
Things were looking swell. And then they weren't.
To be continued.........
To be continued.........
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