Monday, October 21, 2019

Artist Statements (ft Ben)


What? A series of digital paintings that each have to separate parts to them.
The bottom part carries over to all of the painting. All three paintings will have the same bottom half.
Where as the top part changes between all three paintings.
How? Three separate framed paintings is the medium. The point is to show how different elements within the painting can effects of what it shows. What is these effect? These effects include the emotion, color, composition, placement, shape. Etc
Why? This is something that hes constantly thinking about, what makes a piece of digital arts the way it is. Also he is using Photoshop.
He had changed his idea because it would work very well in the exhibition environment as it would be messy.
Instead of one painting with movable bits its three separate paintings.
loosely based of the literature review.


What is an Artist Statement?
An artist statement the primal communication between the Artist and the public. The Statement will be displayed next to your work as two paragraphs.

What are the key things not to do?
  • Don't write too much.
  • Don't have a boring introduction.
  • Don't go off topic.
  • Don't have simple sentences.
  • Avoid Jargon.
  • Generalize.
  • Use passive or inconsistent voices.
  • Include unnecessary but pretentious references.
  • Include biographical information (this should be only used in a bio or CV).
  • Romanticize.
  • Use statements starting with “I hope to…” , “I will…” or “I am trying to…“ instead tell say what you do with confidence.
What are the key things to do?
  • Get to the point.
  • Include precise references.
  • Use active voice.
  • Use many editors.
  • Be specific.
  • Be clear.
  • Match your writing to your work.
  • Change your statement based on the opportunity.
  • Draw the reader into your world.
  • Use good verbiage.
  • Don't be boring.

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