Thursday, October 31, 2019

Testing Terry Gilliam

The Monty Python Museum. (2011 July 14). Terry Gilliam - Monty Python animations [Video File]. Retrieved from:

Here is the basics of what I'm going to do.

Finding a Magazine
Cutting out your image

Going over the sides with sharpie
Here is a time-lapse of my first colouring attempt.

From Left to Right: Only Clothing items Coloured, Small Detail, Everything Coloured
I decided that the middle man is the best way to colour the rest of the figures. The one on the right didn't turn out as I had planned it. I think because I used a cheap felt, the colour turns out all blotchy.

Bioshock Infinite

Image result for bioshock infinite cover
5 Years ago, I purchased this game for a decent price. At the time downloading this game (as I purchased it on steam) It took a very long time to download. I first played this game on a old laptop that could only play on minimal graphics. I think because my laptop died, I only got past the first three missions. And I didn't play this game again until now.
This time with a more powerful computer I could play this game the way it was mean to be played. and this time, I payed more attention to the story and started the game from the beginning.

And I don't regret it. This games setting is set in an alternative 1912, You start as Booker Dewitt, who is on a mission to find a girl and wipe away a debt. After being launched from a lighthouse in in what seems to be in the middle of  nowhere, which is currently having the biggest rain storm. You are placed above the clouds in this beautiful looking city, a floating city called Columbia.
Image result for bioshock infinite columbia
Image result for bioshock infinite columbia
The color scheme is bright, vibrant. Almost too perfect.....

You soon learn that this place is run by religion, some type of Christianity. When you enter the city you get baptized, you learn that the place is run by a prophet. A man called Zachary Hame Comstock. Then you notice something perculer.

You see in this city, Three of the founding founding fathers of America, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson are almost perceived as gods as you are greeted by their statues in the Garden of the New Eden.
Image result for bioshock infinite founding fathers

As your taking this all in, you find a poster warning of the False Shepard, that shows that to find the False Shepard, spot the 'mark' and the back of there hand. The letters 'AD'. You realise that you have the same mark. You are the False Shepard. You are also warned by a mysterious couple to not pick the number 77, as it would cause attention to your self. With all of this new information you enter a raffle park, you draw a baseball that has the numbers 77 on it, which is the winning number. And then at your shock your prize turns out to be throwing that said base ball at an Interracial couple. At this moment you click. You remember on your journey to the park, you never see any non-white people. You have the choice to throw the ball, put down the ball or throw the ball at the person who was seeling the raffle. Either way a man spots the symbol on your arm and all hell goes loose.

Thats only the beginning of the game. But as you unravel the story, the game gets more layers. This game has got a lot of things including Alternative time lines, Which is one of my favourite topics.

One interesting part of this game is the the on Abraham Lincoln. For in this game he is portrayed as the Devil himself, Here is an example of that compared to a picture of George Washington
Image result for bioshock infinite abraham lincoln

Even John Wilkes Booth, The Assassin of Lincoln, is portrayed as a saint!
Image result for bioshock infinite abraham lincoln

There is so much to tell about this game, and this game has WEIGHT. I haven't even mention Elizabeth yet, Cause she is probably one of the most helpful npc companions in the game, giving you money, ammo, vigor (magic) and Health when you desperately need it.

Also there is Vigors which does add to the game play as you can essentially cast spells at people.

This Is a great game and I love the ending to the main campaign. I wont say anything but its so good.

I recommend this game.

Assessment 3 Slideshow

Monday, October 21, 2019

The agonizing tale of getting the Filming done.

So after the TV was sorted out. I finally started to film my project. After hours of watching. Rod Serling talking about the mysteries of the Twilight Zone. I was ready to go. So I began in Room 222. filming my second script with Thomas. It actually took a bit to start filming as I had to figure out how to get the camera to film. As the camera I got was primarily a photography camera. I could of filmed on a phone camera but I wanted a tripod to simulate that studio camera look.

Room 222 desks

Room 222 wall

The first shots were easy to get as I only required Thomas to write on a piece of paper and chuckle to himself.  And I also wanted to add a blur transition similar to that to the Twilight Zone Episode Shadow Play.

Passthejointplease. (2010, November 14). Shadow Play (Twilight Zone) Intro by Rod Serling. 1960. Season One. [Video file]. Rerieved from:

Then it was my turn to speak to the camera, The plan was to speak an entire paragraph in one take while remaining eye contact. Filming all scenes with me doing the monologue required this. Most of the time I'd get a tongue twist or forget the lines. It was a struggle. I feel bad for Zeta-rose, who helped me film.


However I continued on. The third script was also filmed in Room 222, I stood in front of a blue wall, which later in editing proved to be helpful. (Thanks to Caleb)

The last Script, which was Script one had to be filmed on a different day as Upstage was taken on the day of the first filming.

This reading proved to be the hardest. As of constant flubbing and lack of memory. It was also because of how complicated I wrote the script. But that day I saved myself as I decided to film my television so I really only had to read half of the script looking at the camera.

Also I had problem with background noise as people were very loud in the common room.
So I had to maneuver around the noise.

Artist Statement – The Eventide Sector

You've appeared in a new dimension, a dreamscape made purely of thought, sound and observation…. You turn yourself around to see a billboard up ahead. You see on it, it spells out your current location in big bold letters…. You now know where you are…. Your current coordinates, The Eventide Sector.”

Edwin Nicholson’s Research project this year wanted to answer the question, how can he create a short opening sequence that reflects the styles of Rod Serling’s ‘The Twilight Zone’. He has tried to capture the feeling that you’re in the early 60’s, and you’re watching a show in black and white on an old analog TV set. The show features a title sequence, three introductions to stories that he has created that may or may not make you think.

‘The Twilight Zone’ is a show with multiple genres created in 1959 by the Science-fiction Legend Rod Serling. The original show lasted till 1964. He thinks the one thing that made the original ‘Twilight Zone’ so popular was the introduction of each story. Rod Serling would come on screen and tell you the premise of what’s happening. Would get you hooked on the story in at least a minute.
Enjoy your personal viewing, of the Eventide Sector.

Artist Statements (ft Ben)


What? A series of digital paintings that each have to separate parts to them.
The bottom part carries over to all of the painting. All three paintings will have the same bottom half.
Where as the top part changes between all three paintings.
How? Three separate framed paintings is the medium. The point is to show how different elements within the painting can effects of what it shows. What is these effect? These effects include the emotion, color, composition, placement, shape. Etc
Why? This is something that hes constantly thinking about, what makes a piece of digital arts the way it is. Also he is using Photoshop.
He had changed his idea because it would work very well in the exhibition environment as it would be messy.
Instead of one painting with movable bits its three separate paintings.
loosely based of the literature review.


What is an Artist Statement?
An artist statement the primal communication between the Artist and the public. The Statement will be displayed next to your work as two paragraphs.

What are the key things not to do?
  • Don't write too much.
  • Don't have a boring introduction.
  • Don't go off topic.
  • Don't have simple sentences.
  • Avoid Jargon.
  • Generalize.
  • Use passive or inconsistent voices.
  • Include unnecessary but pretentious references.
  • Include biographical information (this should be only used in a bio or CV).
  • Romanticize.
  • Use statements starting with “I hope to…” , “I will…” or “I am trying to…“ instead tell say what you do with confidence.
What are the key things to do?
  • Get to the point.
  • Include precise references.
  • Use active voice.
  • Use many editors.
  • Be specific.
  • Be clear.
  • Match your writing to your work.
  • Change your statement based on the opportunity.
  • Draw the reader into your world.
  • Use good verbiage.
  • Don't be boring.

The agonizing tale of getting an old TV to work. Part 2.

Continued from Part 1.

The parts arrived, everything was plugged in ready to go. However something was different.  The RF Adapter was different to that in the image and the coaxial part of the Adapter was more modern. (smaller).
Modern Coaxial Port

Old Coaxial Cord
So I went to JAYCAR, and asked for something to connect the two. At first they though that wouldn't be possible, but after showing them the images of the cords. It was actually possible to connect the two.

So I went home, plugged every thing up and turned on the switch.

But it wasn't working. Nothing was speaking to each other. Even the vs I grabbed wasn't working. I went back and followed all the tutorials and nothing was showing up. But before I gave up. I tested the HDMI adapter on a modern TV. And it didn't work. So It wasn't the TV's fault. I even called it as the TV's static changed when I plugged in everything.

So I had an idea.

I new the old TV could work as once upon a time I played the Play Station 2 on that TV, so I told my parents to pick up the box I had stored it in.

So when they brought it up I spent a few hours fiddling with stuff, till finally, FINALLY I got visual.

However, The audio wasn't working. I tested all three TV's and got no Audio again. So my Dad mentioned an extra adaptor that I could plug in a speaker into my Playstation, (Which I ended up swapping it out with an Xbox 360.)

After buying the extra adaptor. I borrowed a speaker and I did it! Every thing worked out.\

Sorting the Tech


Final Set up

But that wasn't the end of my trouble.

The agonizing tale of getting an old TV to work. Part 1.

Oh boy, so last time in the blog (
I explained all of the parts I needed for the TV's.

So what I had in my possession at that time was:
3 Old TVs.
1 Coaxial Cord.

So I was missing all of the converters.
I had to find said converters. So I went looking online, At first I was in luck. On Amazon I found both converters and double ended RCA cable for sale in a bundle. I was ready to go. But I realized something. Amazon is not cheap, and was putting there prices up in American Dollar instead of New Zealand Dollar. (Which I should of realised). So if I was to stick with that, I would be paying around $90 Dollars.

I decided against that decision. But sadly I could only find the RF modulator on Amazons. So I bought it for about $31 Dollars.

So that left the other two parts to the puzzle. I managed to find a HDMI converter at Dick Smiths online for about $30 Dollars.

Then by chance one of my contacts that I had been asking for parts told me that they had a RCA double ended Cord, and a VHS/DVD Player.

The decision was final. If I were to wait an extra day to order online, I wouldn't have time to get my parts before the Think and Create due date. So I spent the $61 Dollars for both parts and asked my parents (the contact) to come up and bring the parts. All was settled.

I was expecting both parts to arrive between the 9th and the 14th. For a while, something odd happened to the HDMI adapter delivery.
Yeah bit of a misdirection... oh well. With this mishap both adapters arrived at the same time.
Things were looking swell. And then they weren't.

To be continued.........

Friday, October 11, 2019

Video Games 1990's

A classic card game brought to the digital world. I have played both the physical version and the digital version. This is a fun game to play to past the time.

A famous game that ive never played. The only Sonic game i've played was the hoverboard racing game and the normal racing game.

I never new that Dune had a video game. It looks like a resource management game.

A really fun game. Ive played some of the newer version of Mortal Kombat, Including Mortal Kombat 4, Mortal Kombat 9 and Mortal Kombat 11. The Fatalities are the most exciting part of the game. I think is they were removed, The game wouldn't last.
Doom is also a really fun game. I've played both DooM 1 and DOOM (2016). The soundtrack in these games are awesome. and the game-play mechanics.

The Playstation 2 is my childhood console. It is truly when my love for video games started.

I played the Demo of Tomb Raider legends and the entire base game for Tomb Raider (2013)
Both entertaining to play.

Never played Zelda either.

I played the Playstation 2 version of Sims 1. Very fun game that I did sink some hours into. I rereated my old house, made family friends in the game, made my own family. I've also played Ps2 Sims 2, Sims Castaway.  Ps2 Sims Pets. Sims 3 and Sims 4. 

Their Top 25 Game List
Space Invaders
Manic Miner
Elite (Beginnings of Elite Dangerous)
Super Mario Bros.
Monkey Island
Street Fighter II
Night Trap
Tomb Raider
PaRappa the Rapper
The Sims
Grand Theft Auto 3
Shadow of the Colossus
World of Warcraft

My Top 25 Game List (in no particular order)
Space Invaders
Donkey Kong
Dig Dug
Street Fighter II
Goldeneye 007
Age of Empires 2 HD
Simpsons: Hit and Run
Medal of Honour Frontline
Spiderman 2
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Video Game
Battlefield 2
Lego Star Wars 2
Jak 3
Fallout 3
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic)
Elder Scrolls Oblivion
Elder Scrolls Skyrim
Fable 3
Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Call of Duty Black Ops 1
Mass Effect 2