Thursday, July 11, 2019

Animation 1950 - 1959

Duga Film Studio
Created the first Yugoslavian Cartoon The Big Meeting (1951)
It was Made to Celebrate Yugoslavian identity.
The film features a duck, but it seems that our protagonist is a man at typewriter, I guess an editor. The Typewriter guy grabs the duck cooks him and through some weird sentient contraption, turns the duck into radio waves. The Film is a mix of realism and classic cartoon. Also theres a Frog Protest. as the film progresses the story follows a different character. Apparently this film is propaganda, I can believe that.

Neighbours (1952)
Film won Oscar in the documentary category
used many types of effects.
This film used stop motion animation and normal film. Every thing is symettrically placed. It remind me of Gmod animations of the late 2000's, Especially the TF2 Gmod animations. The sound effects are very 8 bit. I like this short film. But i wasn't expecting the wife and child getting bet up.
Image result for neighbours movie 1950
Created first British animated feature to get a general release.
Animal Farm (1954)
Based on the novel by George Orwell
The story is based on the rise of communist power, especially one like the rise of Dictator Stalin.
Ive watched Animal Farm before and its actually a very sad film. (Spoiler Alert) One particular scene of note that sticks into my memory of this film was the Horse getting sent to the glue factory. It was a very emotional scene. But well crafted. The advertisement of this film actually doesnt't reveal much of the actual story, because this film takes a dark twist. They say this films for kids. It really isn't.

Image result for animal farm poster 1954
Hungary / USA
Director and Producer George Pal created the film Tom Thumb (1958) Used a mixture of giant sets, superimposition, and stop frame animation.

Image result for tom thumb movie
Czech Republic
Karel Zeman made The Fabulous World of Jules Verne (1958)
It combined stop-frame creatures and live action.
This man was an inspiration to Terry Gilliam, which is the man I am looking at for my proposal.
This director works a lot with forced perspective.

Image result for The fabulous world of jules verne
Zagreb Film
Samac (The Lonely) by Mimica and Marks (1958)
Initiated a wave of existential films questioning and commenting on the human condition.
Another typewriter character in this one, although he is more sad. And the soundtrack to this film is very ominous. The soundtrack would work well in a horror movie or some old 60's Doctor Who. At a guess, this looks like a cut out animation, if its not then it look pretty similar/
Watching this film was confusing but I thing i can just understand it. I think its about a man dreaming. Trying to avoid anything that reminds him of his life. But after having a huge dream, he realises to enjoy his life.

Taiji Yabushita
Made the film Legend of the White Snake (1958)
Produced faster than Western features and were more based on spectacle and special effects than character animation, and imitated by other companies. Style of animation is regarded as the roots of manga and anime.

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