Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Adobe InDesign

Today we jumped into Adobe InDesign. Here are some tips that we were told by Chris to help us in the application.

Work in multiples of 4's otherwise you get blank pages somewhere in your project when using facing pages.
Also the bleed option should be set to 3mm because the printers at SIT cut out to there.

what the options should look like (A5 paper)
Best option when writing text is to turn off the hyphenation as it isn't quite professional when writing an assessment.

When you select a text document an press a small red square on the bottom right corner, you can make another text box, which continues the current text.

With a image that does fit in your fill box, right click on the image and go to fitting, then select one of the options in that.

The Blue square on the image gives you the option to move the picture inside the frame.
The yellow square changed the shape of the square and smooths the corner.

If there is a chain link on the image, that means that InDesign knows where the original image is on your hard-drive, if it doesn't it will have a question mark on it.

Adobe PDF (print) will be the file type that we will be exporting to.

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