Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Image result for tetsuo the iron man poster
I didn't like this film. I don't hate it and I can appreciate the work put into this as a lot of it is stop motion. However, Most of it is just screaming. At the start of the film I wasn't sure what the film was about, because no one actually said anything. At the end, I could understand what it was about but I'm still lost on it.
The film only starred 6 characters. probably cause most of the budget when into all of the stop motion. and metal scraps.
It is quite a creative film, and for what the director had. I think it works.
Like a Garrys Mod video, they just had a character stand still and moved them around a street.

Image result for garrys mod gif spy
But again its literally just screaming and hard to see action sequences for 60 odd minutes. and that what puts me off.
ALSO they only have one soundtrack, its catchy at first but also gets annoying after a while.

I can't believe there is more films (I think 3) that spawned from this and that this was rated fairly highly on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes (around 70%).
Also the main character (salary-man) has a drill dick. Not kidding.

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