Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Install Survey

 I had Created a Google Form on the 1st of September for Install. I wanted to figure out some statistics before we handed out the entry forms.

As of Today there has been 29 responses to the survey. I believe there are some people (Certificate students) Who haven't taken the survey.

But none the less we got some statistics which show us what we need to focus on.

  • 22 People are installing Digital work.
  • 3 People are installing Gaming.
  • 12 People are installing Physical Artwork.
  • 2 are installing fashion.
  • 7 are confirmed to be making posters.
  • 11 are confirmed to not be making posters.
  • 11 are unsure if they are making posters.
  • 4 will be handing in a Trailer/Teaser.
  • 19 will be handing in a Trailer/Teaser.
  • 6 maybe will be handing in a Trailer/Teaser.
  • 1 will be handing in a second piece of work.
  • 22 will not be handing in a second piece of work.
  • 6 said maybe to handing in a second piece of work.

Important Meeting Note

Friday 9th, Saturday 10th , Sunday 11th Fashion student pop up stall.

Things to Think about

Things to think about:

  • Clear definition of what you want to achieve
  • Introducing work to potential employers
  • To make connections with industry
  • Advertising SIT program
  • Critique and Feedback
  • Exposure to the public
  • Entertainment
  • Showcase works
  • Celebrate what you have achieved  with friends and Family
  • Practice/experience running event
  • Working as a team
  • Make everyone understand what they are taking part in
  • Collection of works
  • Event: Showcase student works
  • Know how to reach them
  • Audience knows what they are coming to see
  • make sure you are marketing to the right audience
  • Free Food
  • Entertainment
  • Specific interest
  • Curiosity
  • Thinking about studying
  • Creative appreciation
  • Employers
  • Talent scouts
  • General Public
  • Family Obligations
  • Investors
  • Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Target Audience
  • Primary is more likely to spread, more likely to buy tickets and is more likely to attend. Likely More engaged. Want to support you. Appreciate works.
  • Secondary:Industry who haven't attended locals/Potential Student.
  • Tertiary: Students from main campus.

Jacqui Bree and Funding Activity

On September 15 Jacque Bree came to our class to give us advice on think and create. Her advise was pretty helpful. And gave us more insight on how think and create works. I asked her a few questions.

I'm glad she came along as I think the class needed more insight.

Funding Activity

Why is it important to read application instructions?

  • Making sure you supply all re-information required (How To Apply).
  • Details whether you are eligible.

Why would it be valuable to know how your application was going to be assessed?

  • Avoid  frustration from people who receive it.
  • Avoid wasting your own time.

Why do you think it might be a good idea to meet with someone from the funding organisation?

  • They can shape your application.
  • They have inside knowledge about how applications work.

What are the kinds of things you think the funder might want to know about your project?

  • Why you are doing it?
  • Who you are doing it for.
  • Potential outcomes.
  • What your budget looks like.
  • What benefits they get from funding it.
  • Branding.
  • When/Where.
  • Time-frame.
  • Where you are with your project.
  • Who's involved.
  • Target market/Audience.

Should you include visual images in your application? How might this help support the communication of your intention?

  • Branding.
  • Image Evidence.
  • Images are more eye catching.

Why is demonstration of a track record important in a funding application?

  • Track Record: Previous Experience.

What kinds of material could you include to show the funder you have a “track record”?

    • Evaluation Report: Due Diligence.

    If you don’t have a track record how could you make the funder feel confident you will be able to implement and successfully complete the project?

      • Charitable Trust.

      Why is spelling, grammar, and presentation extremely important in your application?

      • Because its more professional to do so.

      How do you think the quality of photographs/images presented plays a role in how your application is received by funders?

      • Don't want low resolution.

      What is jargon and why should you avoid it?

      • Jargon is defined as Special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.
      • You shouldn't use it because it may confuse.

      Should you apply to every funder to support your application?

      • Submit to someone that your funding relates to. More benefits that way.

       How could you utilise references or referees?

      • They can vouch for you.

      Final Posters for Think and Create


      After multiple tweaks and drafts. these are the final four posters that are being used to advertise Think and Create.

      These posters have been hit with multiple positive reviews.
      I am happy with these designs.

      Tuesday, September 29, 2020

      Design Dream Job Task

      What is My Dream Job:

      Being in charge An Independent New Zealand Voice Acting/Film/Game/Animation Studio.

      I think I would begin with only Animation and Voice acting.  If this is profitable I would make branches that move into other mediums including film and games. It could even have a branch into design.

      1. Animation
      2. Voice Acting
      3. Gaming
      4. Film
      5. Design

      What kind of Company Culture do you want to work in / or create?

      I want to be an independent company, my company would not be restricted to one set of story telling.
      For example not restricted to Nature/Cultural stories.

      What do you want to create/do? and for Who?

      I want to create stories that can be broadcasted on online platforms.
      I want to fund other peoples stories.
      I want to give an opportunity to creatives that want to create but don't have the means to create.

      What will you offer in Terms of Skills/Attributes/Talent?

      Job opportunities for Filmmakers, Game Designers, Actors and Animators.
      My company will be open to anyone who wants to work in the creative field. Especially in New Zealand.

      Who will you work with and why?

      I would like work with streaming services such as Netflix to add my companies work onto it.

      Dialogue Writing with Duncan Sarkies

      In Class today we had Duncan Sarkies Teach us how to write dialogue. He told us to write what we would hear in a phone cal. No Descriptions of the environment. Just raw Dialogue. Here is what I came up with in that Class

      Janet - Calling a store to find out if they can buy something online that they can’t find online

      Philip - The poor employee that has to explain that they do not have that Item at all, and is also located in a different store.

      Call Starts

      “Hello this is AllroundGoods, Philip Speaking”

      “Hi, I’ve been wanting to order a Kayak at your online page but I can’t find it?”

      “A Kayak?”


      “I’m sorry, we don’t sell Kayaks in store”

      “Last month I went to your store and I saw you were selling Kayaks.”

      “I think you might be thinking of SecureSporting next door.”

      “I have your Number right here”

      “No this is AllroundGoods, I can suggest you to call SecureSporting. Their phone number is ** *** ****”

      “I wish to buy a Kayak from you”

      “... I’m sorry mam, This is AllroundGoods. We do not sell Kayaks at this store. SecureSporting is next door.”

      “You have a sports section on your page. I know you sell Kayaks, I’ve seen them at your store.”

      “We do have a sport section, but we only sell exercise and sports equipment. Not Kayaks. They have never been at our store.”

      “I went to your store the other day and I saw a Kayak”

      “I think you are thinking of SecureSporting, it is next door to us, would you like me to repeat the phone number to you?”




      “No…. SecureSporting.”

      “Your very rude”

      “.... Excuse me?”

      “I want to buy a Kayak from your store and you won’t let me buy it!”

      “No mam, I've been trying to tell you you have the wrong store.”

      “No I’m correct, you DO sell kayaks, I’ve seen them at your store. I don’t know what I’ve done to you BUT YOU’RE A PIECE OF SHIT!”




      Call Ends

      Thursday, September 3, 2020

      Banshee Development

      Some facts to know about the Irish Banshee:

      • The Banshee roams the countryside and can be heard wailing when she predicts a death.
      • One of the banshees guises is a young beautiful women.
      • She is dressed in a grey or white hooded cloak.
      • Her mourning cries can be heard usually at night when someone is about to die.
      • It is believed by many that she only appears to a select number of families.
      • She has long hair. Some described hair that she can run a comb hair through.
      • Her Eyes are raw/red from her crying.
      • The banshees stature is short.
      • she may be dressed in white with a ghastly complexion.

      I have hired Ramsay Faust to play the banshee. She is of Irish Decent and she fits the role quite well.

      I went into Photoshop and created some concepts. I wanted to make The banshee a little more cryptid than usual. So i'm taking the red eyes Idea and making the glow within the black outline of Ramsay's eyes.

      This photo was from the first costume fitting. Me and Zeta went costume shopping for the shoot. Zeta had put together the costume for the banshee.

      A few days later Zeta tested makeup. This was the Result.

      I liked to the way it was going. When we started shooting the Makeup would change.

      Here was a concept of the Banshee Screaming.

      And finally here is Ramsay in full costume. (Ft. Oshin)

      I'm very happy with the results.

      Final Script


      Panning shot of an irish countryside with the title crawl over top. In the far distance a tree with a person curled under it can be seen. It is foggy and the moon is out. The shot pans to a small pub in the middle of nowhere.


      In the corner of a dimly lit bar O’LEARY is sitting in a corner, sad. He is holding a note in his hands. 

      The note says: “Your time has come O’Leary, We wait on the N7. Midnight or more will pay”.

      O’leary puts the note down and finishes his drink.

      Barkeep COLLINS approaches him.


      Another Drink O’Leary?


      Not tonight Collins, It's going to be an early night for me.


      Unusual for you lad, but it is what it is. Fair warning to you thought, You should be careful walking back home tonight. There's something off in the air. You feel it?

      O’LEARY looks inquisitively at COLLINS.


      Some say a night like tonight when the fog is thickest is cursed. A bad omen. A night like this is when death itself saunters.

      O’LEARY gulps


      You really know how to comfort your patrons Collins.


      Aye, I’m just a paranoid barkeeper. Take care Lad.

      O’leary replies with a nod. 

      COLLINS exits, taking O’LEARYS Glass. 

      O’LEARY sinks into his chair and goes into his pocket and pulls out a picture of a woman.


      O’LEARY puts down the picture to look at his wife's grave.

      ‘Elise Morris O’Leary, 20 July 1913 - 30 October 1936’

      His hat is on the other hand. He silently tears up.

      • Throughout this scene THE VEILED FIGURE in cloak and dress will be present occasionally. Barely visible.


      I couldn’t take the rap for them, Elise. The situation has gone arseways. I'm on a one way road. C’mere to me before I go. Is there a chance? Is this the end?

      Silence comes over the grave yard. Then in the distance a wail is heard. O’leary spins round and sees nothing in the dense fog. He gains his composure and has a look of acceptance on his face.


      I see

      O’LEARY puts the picture in his pocket and his hat on his head. He leaves the graveyard.

      Barely visible in the fog behind the grave THE VEILED FIGURE watches him leave.


      O’LEARY walks along the road, looking around. He is then flashed by car headlights. He stops dead in his tracks. He knows that he will not be taking another step, ever again.


      Three men come out of the car.

      -All of them are dressed like gangsters

      -LOUISE has a Submachine gun and a holstered pistol

      -ARCHIE has a Rifle

      -REUBEN has a Revolver


      Well ain't this swell, You’ve arrived a little late O’leary, We were worried that you were making tracks.


      For a moment I thought we were going to pay a little “visit” to your friends, and that dryshite of a barkeeper!

      Reuben stands in front of the men and the car. He turns to them.


      Shut it!

      REUBEN Turns to O’LEARY.


      Now Toby. I apologize for this. You were family, To all of us. But look what you’ve made me do.

      O’LEARY stays silent. REUBEN raises his pistol at O’LEARY.


      First your wonderful wife, now you. Such a shame that you both ended up like this.

      O’LEARY prepares for death as REUBEN takes aim at his head.

      Suddenly sounds of a woman crying are heard. THE VEILED FIGURE enters the scene. 

      The men quickly lower/conceal their guns.


      Toby, who is this?


      Hey Lady, Beat it, this is private business!

      ARCHIE looks a little worried at this moment.

      O’LEARY looks at the woman and freezes.

      The woman stands in front of O’leary with her back to him. She is crying.


      Lady are you lost or something?

      The woman does nothing, still crying. REUBEN walks up to her.


      Hey. Hey I'm talking to you!

      REUBEN takes off her veil and jolts back in horror. LOUISE and ARCHIE are shocked.


      What In the Goddamn!

      It is revealed that the woman mourning is TOM O’LEARY Wife, ELISE. Her face is white and very lifeless. She stops crying.

      REUBEN in fear whips out his gun and prepares to fire. Then ELISE lets off a Banshee Scream.

      Everyone staggers and covers their ears.

      O’LEARY falls back on his ass.

      When ELISE stops the banshee screams. A disorientated Reuben tries to aim again. ELISE turns into smoke and teleports behind REUBEN. She snaps his neck in an instant. O’LEARY glimpses the face of ELISE and is shocked.

      ARCHIE is terrified and cannot bring himself to aim his rifle.

      LOUIS manages to fire his gun into ELISE. ELISE doesn’t react to the bullets. She walks up to Louis who fires everything in his machine gun. After he finishes the clip he throws the machine gun to the ground and reaches for his pistol. Before he can aim at ELISE she knocks his arm away and grabs him by the neck. LOUIS is strangled to death.

      ARCHIE is in panic, he drops his rifle and runs away into the fog. ELISE follows. A second later ARCHIE screams and is thrown back at the car. The impact kills him instantly.

      Then silence.

      O’LEARY is alone surrounded by the dead. He stands up and looks around again. Nothing. He picks up the photo from his pocket and looks at it again. A scared O’LEARY runs into the fog.

      Fade to black.

      The End



      Tuesday, September 1, 2020

      Sten Gun

      One of my gangsters. Louie is armed with a SMG, Specifically a STEN gun. When doing the muzzle flash for my VFX Shot. I want to look at a real reference of firing the gun. These are some videos I've found that could help me.

      So what I'll need here potentially aside from the muzzle flash is some hammer slide and some bullet shells flying out of the gun. Just to add a little more to the scene.