Monday, May 18, 2020

Edgar Wright and The (Pretend) Gun Fight Scene

Director: Edgar Wright
The (Pretend) Gun Fight Scene from
SPACED Season 2, Episode 5 "Gone"
These scene are the once I would like to Discuss in my assessment.

Spaced (TV Series 1999–2001) - IMDb

Unspoken Telepathy Gun Fight

Epic Slow Motion (Pretend) Gun Fight

Friday, May 15, 2020

Poster Ideas for the Exhibition

We, The marketing team have decided to do a "Ready Player One" styled poster like below:

Ready Player One gets yet another poster

Ready Player One: 138 Easter Eggs and Pop Culture References in ...
We are going to use a similar colour scheme and layout to these posters for our exhibition, Bella is creating avatars of everyone. Which everyone has their own creative input in. I will focus on the composition for this artwork. Might even make three posters out of it. 

The 3D Exibition

We have started to assemble are exhibition, which has now gone Virtual! Because of the lock-down it was decided that we should use

This website is VR Friendly and easy to use, me and Zeta explored some other user created content.

For this Exhibition. I've been put in the Marketing team with Bella, Zeta, Jordyn and David.
This should be fun. The other teams include the Asset team and the virtual install team. We will be working closely together for these next few week to make an excellent exibition.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Current Progress during Lock-down

Technician Cover
Title: Technician from Ordell
Colour Scheme: Red, Silver, Bronze, and Orange
Notable Details: Light comes from the communication array. The lady in the Space Suit is Red and Silver. The Ship is Bronze.

Space-Wreck Cover
Title: What Happened to Red Falcon?
Colour Scheme: Red, White, Bronze, Umber, Blue
Notable Details: This is a night Scene, The sky is Umber with a hint of blue* (Hint of blue is Optional). The Uniform of this man Red, Black and White, with a hint of teal. The Space Ship is Red, Black and White. The Space Ship could potentially have flames and smoke to indicate that it is recently crashed. The space suit and the ship have to look dirty and damaged. This is a rocky sand planet.
Thunderbird 3, Bandai 0036658 (1992)
Explorers on the Moon | Tintin Wiki | Fandom
Spaceship Cover
To The Unknown
Colour Scheme: Bronze, Green, Blue.
Notable Details: The Ship is brown. It is Currently travelling in warp, The sky will be cloudy but bright. A planet may feature in this work too. The ship will be rounded out. This current photo is blocky to help with shape and accuracy of perception.

Foundation by Isaac Asimov (Panther:1979) | cover art by Chris ...